For which types of texts can I go to Atelier T?
Each translator has his or her specialisation, which mostly developed from a specific interest or was built up through experience. I myself am specialised in commercial and marketing-oriented texts, such as brochures, websites, product sheets, newsletters, etc. This can concern a whole range of products or services: sports items, clothes, food, HR services, software applications, and so on.
You can also turn to us for technical translations, such as manuals and specialised product sheets. With regard to this, I am mainly specialised in applications for printers and other graphic companies, as I worked in this sector for over a decade. In these types of translations the terminology is generally the biggest challenge. If you have a very technical text and you want everything to be worded correctly, it’s then handy to provide us with a glossary. This is then included in our software, so we consistently work with the right terminology.
As I’m not (yet) a sworn translator, I can’t help you with legal documents that need to be validated by the court. For these types of text I gladly refer you to one of my colleagues.